
Why And When To Automate DevOps Practices?

The tech industry has expanded over the past few years, leading to high demand for software solutions. This increase has put pressure on the industry to meet customer expectations, especially regarding performance, functionality, and uptime.

Cloud-based applications have revolutionized software development, shifting focus from one-time projects to ongoing services. Instead of the traditional monolithic approach, many software companies now use agile methodologies. This means they constantly update and improve software based on customer feedback. Methods like Agile, Scrum, and Rapid Application Development allow quick changes and improvements.

What is DevOps?

Combining DevOps and automation has further enhanced their efficiency. Patrick Debois introduced the term "DevOps" in 2009. It's a strategy designed to bridge the gap between software development and IT operations. It focuses on rapid IT delivery using agile and lean practices. Gartner defines DevOps as emphasizing people and culture, improving collaboration between operations and development teams, and using automation tools to create a programmable and dynamic infrastructure.

So, why should you adopt DevOps automation? Understanding your specific needs in development, testing, and deployment is crucial to avoid over-automation, which can lead to inefficiencies. The key is to strike a balance and choose the right tools. Training your developers and administrative staff on these tools is as essential as selecting them.

Excessive use of Agile and DevOps

Many enterprises often run into issues with DevOps automation because they need help with Agile processes. Agile and Waterfall methodologies are at the root of this problem. While Agile is an emerging and often more productive approach, some companies need to be more moderate with it, leading to excessive automation in Agile and DevOps.

On the other hand, some businesses do not use DevOps. So, where's the right spot?

Automation is about taking manual processes and wrapping technology around them to make them repeatable. However, this doesn't automatically improve your processes' quality. If your methods are flawed, automation will speed them up.

The first step is to identify development processes. Once these are determined, you can apply the appropriate DevOps tools. It's crucial to stay focused here. Not all processes can or should be automated. Remember, your needs are unique. Only some processes require automation to achieve their goals. Striking the right balance is critical to effectively applying DevOps without stepping.

devops automation and practices

Top Benefits of DevOps Automation


In large enterprises, standardizing software developers' tools is critical. This creates a work environment that:

  1. Significantly reduces duplication
  2. Provide clear guidelines and procedures
  3. Minimizes risks

Standardized practices also open the way to automating other manual processes, increasing overall efficiency.


Automation identifies errors and issues in software applications, leading to consistent and predictable results. This consistency stems from static software configurations and minimal human interaction, significantly reducing the chances of errors.


Unlike manual processes, automated ones are highly scalable. You can quickly develop additional processes to meet new requirements. Scalability depends on software and hardware, not human resources, making it ideal for cloud-based applications.


One of the standout features of DevOps automation is its speed. Moving quickly from one cycle to the next significantly shortens project delivery times. Independent of human constraints, automated processes avoid delays and are faster, following a set template.


DevOps automation offers significant flexibility in determining processes' scope and functionality. The primary constraint is the automated process configuration, which can be easily changed to meet new requirements. It's much quicker and easier to adjust a computerized process than to train a human to do the same.

benefits of devops of automation

Why should you integrate DevOps automation into your business?

DevOps automation benefits beyond development and operations; it can transform business culture entirely. By automating processes, businesses can achieve their goals. Automation helps create a stable and reliable system, bringing benefits such as improved communication channels, which reduce miscommunication. These automated processes are also easily scalable across different environments and applications while maintaining consistency. Teams can resolve issues faster thanks to direct access to data on product performance from end users.

If you're considering DevOps services for your business, contact CodeSuite.