
What is Bug’s Life Cycle in Software Testing?

Regardless of a developer's skill level, they rarely write flawless code on their first attempt and run into software defects. This emphasizes how critical testers are to finding and resolving issues and ensuring the product functions as intended. 

Before releasing a product, it is essential to record, find, and fix problems, faults, and inconsistencies to guarantee a positive customer experience. The bug life cycle is the methodical procedure for identifying and selecting a flaw or problem using a predetermined set of guidelines. 

Understanding the life cycle of a bug in software testing services is essential to developing a stable and reliable product. Let's explore the software bug life cycle process. 

What are bugs in software testing?

Software bugs are mistakes or problems in a program's code, ranging from a few typos to significant logical errors. Bugs vary greatly; some may be fixed quickly, while others take a long time and work to improve. Common bugs include:

  • Variables that are not allocated appropriately 
  • Missing semicolons 
  • Too little space exists between curly brackets 
  • Tags that are not closed correctly 

What is the Bug Life Cycle?

In the software bug life cycle, faults are tracked from discovery to resolution. All phases of a bug's life cycle are included in this cycle.

Software testing begins when a tester discovers a defect. The cycle will continue until the tester finds a fix and officially closes the defect to prevent it from happening again.

Stages of bug life cycle in software testing 

The stages of the bug life cycle in software testing describe how faults are found and resolved from the beginning. An outline of a bug life cycle stages  throughout its lifetime is provided below.

  • New: A tester finds a defect during application testing and marks it as "New," starting the first phase. The following steps in this bug's lifetime include validation and more investigation. 
  • Assigned: The tester documents the problem and sends it to the development team for correction once the test lead determines what it is and gives the go-ahead. The problem is assigned to a developer by the test team leader or QA manager. 
  • Active/Open: The developer assesses the issue to develop a solution. The problem may be set to one of the following states: duplicate, deferred, rejected, or not a bug if the developer decides there is no need for a repair. 
  • Fixed: After creating a fix and making changes to the code, the developer declares the problem resolved and returns it to the testing group for further evaluation. 
  • Retest: To ensure the specifications have fixed the problem, the testing team and the developer reassess the modified code. 
  • Closed: In the last phase, the bug's status is changed from "Verified" to "Closed," signifying that it is error-free if the tester is confident that no other changes are required. The problem has been remedied after retesting the corrected bug. 
  • Rejected: A bug's status is changed to "Rejected" when the developer determines it is invalid. 
  • Duplicate: The developer marks a problem as "Duplicate" if it keeps happening or turns out to be the same as another. 
  • Deferred: Deferred bugs are often lower priority and will be fixed in a later version. Deferring a defect may be done for several reasons, such as low priority, lack of time for a patch, or lack of major impact on the program. 
  • Not a problem: When an issue affects the application's operation or performance without causing significant modifications, it is labeled "Not a Bug." 

defect bug life cycle in software testing

Guidelines for Implementing a Defect Bug Life Cycle in software testing

There is no need to fear resolving flaws in your projects. It is possible to minimize the impact of risks on your work if you take calculated risks—a helpful manual on managing flaws.

Define flaws clearly 

Defining faults in your company or projects begins with understanding what constitutes one. This step is important to avoid the hassle of tracking anything incorrectly marked as a problem. The key is to be efficient and avoid distractions. 

Monitor bugs with a monitoring system

Your team needs an issue tracking system if it does not already have one. From discovery to elimination, this is an essential tool for tracking flaws. 

Identify a concern

Ensure each problem has a champion—someone assigned to see it through. To prevent burnout and ensure that issues are resolved quickly, it's critical to divide these tasks. 

Keep a record of every flaw

When a flaw occurs, note what occurred, when it occurred, and under what conditions. Did anything unusual happen? Is there a connection to another incident? You can use this information to figure out where things went wrong in the future. 

Analyze the cause 

Finding the cause of a flaw is half the battle. Use search engines, talk to more experienced coworkers, or go back and review your actions. Look for someone who has dealt with a similar problem before. Their expertise may help you solve your problems more quickly. 

types of software development life cycle bug's

Bug Reporting

Software errors are inevitable. Bugs are present in every program, but the quality of a bug report may make a big difference. When engineers receive a well-written report, they can identify and fix problems more quickly.

Bug reports facilitate communication between users and developers and speed up the issue-resolution process. Not only do they simplify issues, but they also encourage users to work together to solve them.

An application's bug report is fundamentally a way to identify the problems that prevent it from functioning correctly and give developers a plan to solve them. By focusing attention on certain issues, a thorough bug report can reduce user annoyance and improve program performance.

Steps to Write a Good Bug Report

  • Bug reports are mostly composed of information. A too general report will leave engineers guessing, so it's important to be as clear as possible in reports.
  • You should provide engineers with a detailed, easy-to-follow tutorial on reproducing the problem. If the problem occurs occasionally, add a note.
  • You can help developers better understand the issue by providing them with any relevant images, videos, or screenshots.
  • If an error message appears, include it. They may reveal the underlying problem.
  • Describe the specific context in which the problem was detected, such as the operating system and browser version.
  • Describe what you were doing when the problem occurred. This situation may influence the diagnosis. 

reporting of software bug life cycle


Effective software testing services require understanding the bug cycle to ensure problems are found and fixed quickly. This proactive strategy avoids customer unhappiness and improves the quality of the program. 

Time and resources are saved when issues are reported and resolved methodically, ensuring that problems are effectively fixed before they affect users. Ultimately, the goals are to ensure the software fulfills its promises, minimize maintenance expenses, and promote a smooth user experience.