
Strategies For Migrating a App to a Web App

Hundreds of companies use Visual Basic (VB) to program objects. Years ago, Microsoft used it to create Windows programs and database interfaces. As a result, marketing, accounting, financial planning, payroll, procurement, and order processing were made easier.

The use of Visual Basic and related languages makes tracking programs challenging. In 2001, VB.NET was launched, replacing Visual Basic 6.0. This should be upgraded as soon as possible. With VB, you get millions of lines of dead code, large dependencies, and vulnerabilities.

There will eventually be a migration from to web apps for every organization. How does this approach work, and what are its main implications? Listed below are some options.

Migrating a desktop VB app to a web app. Why?

Desktop businesses may benefit from web environments. VB.NET applications are practically extinct. Microsoft has no plans to enhance Visual Basic beyond 2020, making current applications harder to expand and sustain. Consider migrating to Python or Java, the most comprehensive Visual Basic alternatives, by 2024.

Because difficulties persist, let's investigate further reasons to upgrade from Visual Basic programs.

Technical shortages

When did you first encounter engineers wanting to work with Visual Basic code? Neither of us. New languages are being developed while some retire, diminishing their numbers. For 2016-2018, Stack Overflow's annual developer poll declared Visual Basic 6.0 the most feared programming language.

It's difficult to locate VB software developers who can maintain outdated code or correct bugs. To avoid this drawback, you should stop using Visual Basic programs immediately.

System faces hurdles

Lack of technical skills makes system modifications harder. Without competent engineers, introducing anything revolutionary may be fatal.

Microsoft's 2010 C# evolution plan supports VB owners. Desktop programs are simpler to manage today, but VB.NET projects must be modernized. Many VB app libraries have no equivalents.

Equivalents are unavailable.

VB programs use COM for older technology components and structures. Due to its complexity, COM has only been utilized for Windows programs, but Microsoft now prioritizes it. NET. VB programs do not support 32-bit OCX/ActiveX controls or software modules.

VB-based third-party controls and components must also be changed. Despite updating the WinForms application framework in.NET 5, it does not contain them.

The current solution slows down.

Slow response times and frequent downtimes are VB.NET drawbacks. Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic for Applications, and VBScript users experienced a service outage in 2019. A proposed security update, KB4512506, failed. The corporation did not need to patch twice, but it did. Visual Basic is slow. Firms choose alternative backend solutions over dedicated or physical servers.

vb transform to web app

Approaches to Migrate Desktop VB.NET App to Web App

Three primary methods exist to turn a .net desktop development into a web application. Since the official Microsoft community supports all three of these strategies, they will likely also be developer-friendly. To make VB.NET programs compatible with the web, follow these steps.

VB.NET Desktop App to Web App with Automation Tools

When organizations migrate desktop desktop development to web apps, they employ automated technologies rather than fragmented development. Your current VB.NET application can be migrated faster and cheaper. Microsoft introduced three cutting-edge solutions in 2008: VB Migration Partner, Microsoft Upgrade Wizard, and Artinsoft VB Upgrade Companion. Using these tools, you may quickly convert older Visual Basic and VB.NET programs to Java, C#, contemporary.NET framework, and cloud-based apps.


  • You will have an improved system in a few months.
  • Playback is optimized by feature-driven development.
  • The most economical method for turning a program into a web application.
  • Without interfering with corporate activities, it is transformed.


  • Some may still need to be resolved.
  • Component incompatibilities may keep your application from running smoothly.

Writing VB.NET Desktop Apps again from scratch

The rewriting technique for software modernization may be used in any project to avoid lift shifting and refactoring. Writing codebases from scratch to remove outdated components, tools, and patterns of .net desktop development into a web application is possible.


  • The complexity of this approach can discourage some businesses from using it. Dealing with different databases and rewriting tasks, which may take some time, would be beneficial.
  • Using this strategy will provide your company with an unmatched competitive edge.
  • Utilizing popular tech stacks may save money and maintenance time.
  • As your needs develop, your firm will expand, and the system will adjust to fit.


  • Rewriting carries risk and costs money.
  • Over 70% of rewriting initiatives fail.
  • Make sure that the updated application complies with the previous requirements.

convert vb to

Adding support for C#

You won't have to rewrite the program in the new environment and go against its structure if you plug in more functionality while keeping the previous application (including resolving minor issues). The objective is to use C# (we have previously discussed Visual Basic and C#'s great compatibility; in contrast, C# is created and maintained).

  • Improve the desktop solution with additional functionality. The current VB application is divided and partly accessible on the web using contemporary.NET components.  
  • Plugging in the web interface is required. Users will use websites and portals to establish a strong online presence. 
  • Create an app for handheld electronics. Parts of the Visual Basic system are accessible to mobile devices because of the API. You only need a trained engineer to connect the mobile app to the current system.

The extension strategy is quite appropriate for replacing VB apps: 

  • The application has no serious problems or defects; nonetheless, some new functionality is required; rewrites or migrations must be successful.


  • The most economical way is to move VB to the web app;
  • Upgrades may be made gradually without interfering with corporate operations; 
  • receiving an upgraded system quickly—in months—and that feature-driven development yields quick returns.  


  • Because of incompatibility between components, your program can remain inactive and unable to fix certain performance problems.

Final Verdict 

It's that simple! Here's how to migrate a desktop application to a web application. All three tips were suggested to help you easily and conveniently migrate your existing VB.NET application to a web platform.

Contact CodeSuite, a company specializing in application modernization and software migration, to learn more about modernizing your legacy applications.