
Guide For Upgrading From AngularJS To Angular

There is a rapid change in IT. Outdated technologies make you noncompetitive and obsolete. Due to ancient features and security patches, many companies are upgrading from AngularJS to Angular. As reported on StackOverflow in 2024, AngularJS is only one of the most popular frameworks among developers or company owners.

Most people need to realize that the 2009 version of AngularJs was overdue. Google no longer supports AngularJS as of December 31, 2019. It has a 7.09 per cent market share and is still used by 562,604 companies. A modern framework, technology, or upgrade cannot fix it.

We can get more information by comparing them than just looking at numbers. Despite its popularity, we'll discover why it's no longer part of the framework. You will also learn how to upgrade AngularJs to Angular.

The difference between AngularJs and Angular

Knowing the differences between upgrading AngularJS to Angular is crucial. Using both frameworks has different outcomes for your business due to their diversity and differences.

Angular js

  1. It is written in JavaScript.
  2. Using MVC (Model View Controller)
  3. There is no support for mobile apps.
  4. Speed is slower due to two-way data binding.
  5. Material design requires third-party libraries.
  6. There is a limited amount of code reuse.
  7. Low performance is caused by two-way binding and DOM.
  8. A variety of directives have been developed for diverse development.


  1. The code is written in TypeScript.
  2. Using controllers as a basis for architecture
  3. It is possible to run mobile applications on mobile devices.
  4. A virtual DOM and data binding improve performance.
  5. There is built-in support for Material Design.
  6. It is reusable and accessible.
  7. The system's performance is high due to the continuous updates and the lack of binding.
  8. An organizational structure based on hierarchies

migrating from angularjs to angluar

How to upgrade from AngularJs to Angular?

  • Configure TypeScript using @types/angular. You can run the language using old JavaScript code with the TS Compiler and the module interface.
  • Use the Angular CLI to rebuild the existing application. While the CLI already supports Webpack, some authors prefer using Webpack directly. Create a folder and copy the files there.
  • The ngUpgrade tool can be used to update two frameworks simultaneously. If you use the default function settings, your code will run faster and be compatible with previous versions. By doing this, the customer can access the transfer procedure, and others cannot view it.
  • Services and APIs should be moved to the appropriate areas. For the latter features, you can utilize the lower components in the AngularJS section of the project. When upgrading the program version, you should create updated code for the AngularJS portion. To accommodate AngularJS' new folder organization requirements and setup requirements, modifications to the AngularJS module configuration files.
  • Routing follows, usually through a user interface router. UI-Router automatically manages a mixed transfer, and NgUpgrade performs this function by default.
  • Due to the differences between the JS and Angular template codes, you may need compilation assistance. Test the app after the transfer. Every component of the solution must work with the updated Angular design.

We have replaced factory(ies) with Angular services and refactored the AngularJS dependencies. Testing is complete, and the only thing left to do is to update to the latest, most reliable framework version when necessary.

Possible ways to upgrade from AngularJS to Angular

The ngUpgrade library

The most frequent and thorough upgrade method is NGUpgrade. The library updates both small and large applications well. Using library solutions, coders can combine components of two frameworks.

Additionally, the applications will remain accessible and work well together. Development team members will not need to relocate again or recruit additional members as planned. The migration may be altered, and experts may update the source code.

With ngUpgrade, the transition is more innovative. The time you save will help you budget better, even if you don't gain any time. It is common for code parts to coexist when switching.

Migrate from AngularJS to Angular via parallel migration

The team used parallel migration to migrate from AngularJS to  Angular in various circumstances.

The client may prefer AngularJS and Angular-based projects with a budget if the app is small and can be coded quickly. A company may want to add features that aren't in the JS code and aren't feasible with Angular 1.

The use of @angular/elements has been around for two years now. We recommend avoiding the ngUpgrade feature. It is acceptable to transition from AngularJS to Angular 2+ using this method, although we rarely use it.

Using the Angular Elements package

Changing HTML elements to custom ones will be required because TypeScript-based technology components are specialized components of this package. In CodeSuite, programmers can create web apps for browsers that support them (Safari, Chrome, Opera, Edge based on Chromium, and Firefox).

It is ideal for large web projects using Angular Elements with complex architecture and concepts. A basic web application should use something other than @angular/elements. We do not recommend upgrading from AngularJS to Angular due to this reason.

Vertical and horizontal slicing

The upgrade process can be divided into two distinct steps. They are referred to as hybrid  web application development methodologies by programmers. Simple and effective, these solutions satisfy employees.

When converting from AngularJS to Angular, vertical slicing uses modules. A large project requiring frequent testing and debugging is ideal for this method. They use AngularJS or Angular code, which prevents the mixing of technological components.

Source code compiler

Some find such solutions time-saving, while some find them problematic. If the source code conversion does not go as planned, it may go differently. However, we have a team that relies on S2S compilers.

AngularJS can be migrated to Angular with the TypeScript translator. It is only necessary to enable experimentalDecorators and emitDecoratorMetadata. You can also improve your score by using JavaScript Babel.

Consider us

Our expertise in software modernization makes  CodeSuite the perfect partner for upgrading from AngularJS to Angular. It is our responsibility to ensure a smooth moving experience for you.

Our talented dedicated team has a deep understanding of the platform. Its code is also high quality and adheres to industry best practices for faultless modernization, scalable applications, and performance optimization.

Throughout the migration, we kept our customers informed and provided regular updates. Our primary goal is to exceed the expectations of our customers.

Our experienced and trustworthy team can modernize, migrating from AngularJS to Angular. Invest in modern software and seamless transfers to make your life easier.

advantages of angular js


There is no need for AngularJS anymore. AngularJS is not compatible with Angular, so migrating is necessary. If you want your software to run faster and integrate updated features easier, you should make this change.

To migrate from AngularJS to Angular, contact us today.