
Clean Architecture: Misconceptions and a Better Approach to Project Structure

Clean Architecture—it's the talk of the town in custom software development! You see it everywhere: articles, blog posts, forums buzzing with discussions. And while many folks have a good grip on the basics, there’s a common mistake that keeps popping up, causing confusion and missteps. Sound familiar? Don’t worry—you're in good company!

So, what’s behind all this confusion? There are three major reasons why these misunderstandings are so widespread. But don’t worry—in this article, we’re going to break down each one and give you the lowdown on a smarter, more effective way to structure your projects.

Think you’ve got Clean Architecture all figured out? Maybe it’s time for a second look! Let’s dive in and set the record straight on these common misconceptions. Ready to clear things up? Let’s get to it!

The First Cause: Misinterpretation of Architectural Diagrams

One major source of confusion? Misinterpreting those architectural diagrams that are supposed to clarify Clean Architecture. Developers often think that each layer in these diagrams should have its own project, package, or root folder in the application. Makes sense, right? Well, not so fast! This approach actually flies in the face of the Common Closure Principle (CCP).

So, what’s the CCP all about? It’s simple: classes within a component should stick together because they’re likely to change for the same reasons. When you need to make updates, they should affect all related classes in that component while leaving the rest of your codebase untouched.

But here’s the catch—when you spread these related classes across different folders, projects, or packages, you break that all-important cohesion. The result? A scattered mess where components are fragmented, turning maintenance and updates into a complicated, error-prone process!

Imagine trying to follow a codebase where a single feature is spread across multiple classes, layers, and directories. It’s like searching for a needle in a bushel! As your application grows, this kind of setup only gets more difficult to manage, leading to unnecessary stress and slowing down custom software development.

So, before you start organizing your code, ask yourself—are you keeping things cohesive, or are you setting yourself up for a fragmented mess? Stick to the principles, and your future self will thank you!

Clean Code Architecture

The Second Cause: Lack of Clear Guidance 

Another big reason for the confusion? The lack of clear guidelines on how to actually organize your code when implementing Clean Architecture. Sure, the core principles are laid out in all the foundational resources, but when it comes to the nitty-gritty of folder and package structure? Not so much.

This lack of detail leaves developers to fill in the blanks themselves, which often leads to a lot of different—and sometimes inconsistent—interpretations. Without a clear roadmap, teams might adopt organizational structures that seem to make sense but don’t really align with the true spirit of Clean Architecture.

And here’s the thing—this isn’t just a Clean Architecture problem. It’s something that happens across the board in software development. High-level concepts get introduced, but the specifics on how to put them into practice? Often missing. This gap leaves room for guesswork, which can result in practices that don’t fully hit the mark.

So, what’s the takeaway? When diving into Clean Architecture (or any big concept), it’s crucial to think critically about how you’re structuring your code. Don’t just follow the crowd—make sure your approach really aligns with the principles at play.

The Third Cause: Proliferation of Misguided Interpretations

The third factor? The spread of misguided or oversimplified takes on Clean Architecture. Well-meaning individuals and influential voices sometimes push their own versions of these principles. The problem? These versions can stray from the original intent but still gain a ton of traction.

How does this happen? Through blogs, tutorials, and sample code repositories that get a lot of attention. While some of these adaptations offer useful insights, others can lead to messy, inefficient code structures that miss the mark entirely.

As these incorrect interpretations catch on, they often cause more harm than good. Developers end up adopting practices that make their codebases harder to maintain and scale—exactly the opposite of what Clean Architecture aims to achieve.

So, before you follow the latest trend, it’s worth taking a step back. Make sure the advice you’re following actually aligns with the true goals of Clean Architecture. Your future self—and your codebase—will thank you!

Clean Architecture

The Solution: Organizing Code by Feature Folders

Want to make your codebase easier to manage and scale? Try organizing by feature folders instead of sticking with those old-school layered structures. This approach groups everything related to a specific feature in one place, making your life a whole lot easier!

Why Go for Feature Folders?

  1. Growth That Makes Sense: Your app grows by adding features, not layers. Organizing by features means your codebase grows in a way that feels natural and logical.
  2. Easy Navigation!: Need to work on a feature? Everything you need is right there, all in one spot. No more hunting through endless folders—just straightforward, easy-to-find code.
  3. Maintenance Made Simple: Updating a feature? No problem! With feature folders, you’re only touching the files that need it, so there’s less risk of breaking something else.
  4. Scalability for the Win!: As your app expands, features can be easily extracted into separate services or packages. This keeps your codebase modular and flexible, even as things get bigger.

Implementing Feature Folders

  1. Domain-Based Organization: Start by creating top-level folders that represent the different domains or modules of your app. Think of these as the big sections that keep everything tidy!
  2. Feature-Specific Subfolders: Inside each domain, create subfolders for each feature or use case. This is where you’ll keep all the relevant classes and resources together, making it easy to find exactly what you need.
  3. Cohesive Components: Make sure everything in a feature folder is related and serves the same purpose. It’s like having a little team of code working together towards the same goal!

Benefits of This Approach

  1. Instant Understanding: New developers can jump in and get a grip on the codebase quickly. Everything’s laid out logically, so there’s no confusion involved.
  2. Easy Feature Additions: Want to add a new feature? Just pop in a new, self-contained folder! It’s straightforward, organized, and keeps the clutter away.
  3. Stay Organized: Even as your app grows and gets more complex, the code structure stays neat and tidy. No more mess as you scale up!
  4. Simple Refactoring: Refactoring and scaling are a breeze when each feature is modular and self-contained. Your app stays flexible and easy to manage, no matter how big it gets.

Clean Architecture in custom software development


Clean Architecture is all about building systems that are easy to understand, maintain, and scale. Sounds great, right? But let’s be real—common misconceptions and missteps can turn your codebase into a mess. Don’t worry, though! By spotting the traps of misinterpreted layers, recognizing the need for clear organization, and switching to a feature-focused approach, Clean Architecture comes into its own.

Why go feature-focused? Organizing your code by feature folders brings clarity, cohesion, and scalability to your projects. It’s like giving your custom software development services the solid foundation for success. With everything in its place, your development process becomes smoother, and your app stays robust and easy to maintain over time.

Remember! The goal here is to create clean, understandable, and efficient architectures that serve both developers and users. Organizing by features isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a proven strategy that leads to better software and happier development teams. S

So, ready to take your codebase—and your custom software development services—to the next level? Let’s get organized and make Clean Architecture work for you!