
Choosing Between Odoo and SAP ERP Software: What You Need to Know

You may need an ERP system if your business experiences operational inefficiencies, inconsistent data and systems, delays, and poor departmental communication. 

It is like choosing a prescription drug when you find the cheapest one. The diagnosis determines whether the answer is yes or no. ERP software offers many customization options. Businesses that want to improve decision-making, streamline processes, and manage resources efficiently need enterprise resource planning (ERP). 

Odoo and SAP stand out among the leading ERP providers because they provide complete solutions to various corporate requirements. Let's examine each ERP in detail to grasp its characteristics and advantages.

Advantages & Features of SAP ERP and Odoo


Odoo is an open-source ERP program that offers modular business management. The Odoo platform is well-known for its scalability and versatility, offering a variety of integrated applications such as project management, accounting, inventory control, CRM, and more. Due to its modular design, businesses can start with specific applications and expand them as needed.

  • Integrate apps according to your company's needs to create an affordable, customized ERP system.
  • Odoo's user-friendly and intuitive interface makes it accessible to users with diverse technical skills.
  • The open-source Odoo software is offered in two editions: community and enterprise. These versions are designed to meet small and large businesses' requirements.
  • Odoo offers scalability without sacrificing performance, growing with your business as it expands.


SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) is a global ERP leader renowned for its robust and durable products. SAP ERP provides end-to-end business solutions, including supply chain management, CRM, finance, and human resources. Focusing on analytics and business intelligence, it provides a broad platform for companies of all sizes.

  • SAP ERP easily interfaces with various modules, offering a comprehensive picture of corporate operations and encouraging departmental cooperation.
  • SAP prioritizes data analytics, giving companies real-time information and actionable insights.
  • SAP provides industry-specific solutions, understanding the particular needs of various industries and offering customized ERP solutions.
  • SAP is a global player that is appropriate for multinational enterprises. It supports several languages, currencies, and regulatory requirements.

Odoo vs SAP ERP

User Interface: SAP ERP vs. Odoo


  • Odoo's user-friendly and intuitive design is well-known. The well-organized layout and clean design make navigating and locating functions easy.
  • The dashboard also follows a modular approach, enabling users to add or remove elements to suit their needs and create a workspace that is uniquely theirs. This improves productivity and the user experience.
  • Users may alter their dashboards and forms using a straightforward drag-and-drop interface, customizing the system to fit their preferred workflow.
  • Odoo's responsive design ensures consistent experiences across PCs, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Odoo's graphical data representations use charts and graphs to help users better understand complicated information.


  • SAP ERP is renowned for its well-organized and structured user interface. Although its structure appears more complex than Odoo's, it offers a thorough overview of numerous corporate operations.
  • SAP uses a role-based dashboard strategy, customizing the user interface to meet various organizational positions. This guarantees that visitors view pertinent content according to their roles.
  • SAP Fiori, a design approach adopted in recent years, aims to create a uniform and responsive user experience across various devices and improve a company's aesthetic appeal.
  • SAP ERP prioritizes reporting and analytics. Users may create comprehensive reports through the interface and use robust analytical tools to make well-informed decisions.
  • SAP ERP customization options make adapting the look and feel to an organization's brand or user preferences possible. However, they may be more involved than Odoo's drag-and-drop customization. Tools such as SAP UI Theme Designer facilitate this process.


SAP ERP vs. Odoo for ERP Deployment


  • Odoo provides cloud-based and on-premise deployments. Because of this flexibility, companies can select the deployment strategy that perfectly fits their needs, IT infrastructure, and preferences.
  • Odoo is renowned for its simple installation process. Its modular architecture allows companies to begin with a few modules and add more at a time, simplifying deployment.
  • Odoo offers a self-hosted, open-source community edition. The enterprise edition can be installed on-site or in the cloud and has extra features and support.


  • Cloud, on-premise, and hybrid. Because of this flexibility, companies can select a deployment strategy that perfectly suits their requirements and tastes.
  • SAP ERP implementation is frequently considered more comprehensive, particularly for large businesses with intricate procedures. Meanwhile, it provides a complete solution across many industries and activities.
  • Because SAP ERP integration is so extensive, some firms may need help integrating. A well-thought-out implementation strategy is essential to success.

Comparing Odoo Prices with SAP ERP Odoo


  • Odoo's self-hosted, open-source community edition is free. Basic features are available without a license.
  • Odoo's enterprise edition has extra features, services, and support. It is a subscription-based product, and prices may change depending on the number of modules and users.
  • Odoo's pricing is more adaptable to small and medium-sized enterprises, enabling them to begin with a minimal investment and grow as necessary.

Odoo ERP implemenatation

SAP Enterprise

  • SAP ERP rates are generally tailored to meet a company's specific needs. The cost can change dramatically depending on the complexity of the implementation, the number of modules, and the number of users.
  • SAP ERP is more suited to large businesses with vast needs and finances because it requires a significant initial investment.
  • Although SAP ERP may be more expensive initially, some contend that its extensive functionality and capacity to grow with the company may offset its total cost of ownership over time.

Final Verdict

As a result, both SAP and Odoo are robust ERP options with advantages. Firms looking for cost-effectiveness and flexibility, particularly startups and small-to-medium-sized firms, can consider Odoo. However, SAP is a strong option for significant businesses that need worldwide reach, a wide range of features, and solutions tailored to particular industries. The choice between Odoo and SAP ultimately comes down to company objectives, size, and specific requirements. 

CodeSuite, a software development company, is committed to providing exactly what your company needs. Because every project should be customized, we begin every working relationship with a discovery phase in which we thoroughly examine your business procedures.

Be sure to  contact CodeSuite at your convenience. 

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