
AWS Monitoring Best Practices and Tools in 2024

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has established itself as a leader in the cloud computing market by offering easy-install servers and comprehensive monitoring capabilities. It's the preferred choice of IT experts and organizations worldwide. Monitoring AWS environments requires complete understanding and vitality.

Here are the essential AWS monitoring best practices to manage cloud operations effectively. To begin, let's look at monitoring from the perspective of AWS.

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AWS monitoring?

AWS monitoring involves assessing and investigating Amazon Web Services' cloud foundation's operational state and execution measurements. AWS resource utilization can be optimized by proactively detecting and correcting inconsistencies or wasteful aspects.

The tool allows continuous monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs), such as central processing unit (CPU) utilization, memory utilization, and arranged transfer speed utilization. Additionally, it includes computerized safety frameworks. By alerting them to deviations or irregularities in the cloud foundation, these frameworks can mitigate potential downtime or execution corruption.

aws cloud monitoring best practices

AWS Monitoring Best Practices

It is essential to understand and implement AWS cloud monitoring best practices for execution and hazard relief. Basic AWS monitoring practices are provided below.

Clearly define your goals and needs.

The 2023 survey by Amazon Web Services underscores that 71% of IT decision-makers emphasize monitoring and observability within their cloud strategies. To leverage this trend effectively, it's essential to adopt AWS cloud monitoring best practices, focusing on technical precision and strategic alignment.

Objective Identification for AWS Monitoring:

Clearly define the objectives of your AWS monitoring initiatives. This involves identifying the critical systems and components within your AWS infrastructure that need vigilant observation to achieve your monitoring goals.

Priority Setting in Cloud Monitoring:

Pinpoint the most critical elements for monitoring to ensure the optimal health and performance of your AWS infrastructure. This step is fundamental to AWS security monitoring best practices.

Developing a robust AWS monitoring strategy:

  • Choosing relevant metrics is essential for tracking system health and performance, aligning with AWS monitoring and reporting best practices.
  • Implement a comprehensive data collection and analysis framework, the cornerstone of infrastructure monitoring best practices.

Advanced Alert Management:

  • Establish an efficient system for AWS monitoring and alerting best practices, focusing on alert reception, categorization, and prioritization.
  • Integrate AWS CloudTrail best practices for detailed tracking of user activity and API usage.

Incident Response Protocol:

  • Ensure rapid identification of anomalies, aligned with database monitoring best practices.
  • Have a predefined action plan to address and resolve issues promptly, minimizing system operations. This is key to logging, monitoring, and alerting best practices.

Comprehensive Data Collection Across the AWS Environment:

It's vital to gather data from all facets of your AWS setup. This holistic approach to AWS cloud monitoring ensures you can quickly address issues across different  services and platforms.

  • Regularly assess which AWS resources are under surveillance.
  • Clarify the roles and responsibilities for monitoring within your team.
  • Establish a routine for monitoring each resource.

Selecting AWS Monitoring Tools: 

Opt for tools that align with your infrastructure's needs and enhance your monitoring strategy.

  • Prioritize tools that automate routine tasks, reducing manual effort.
  • Evaluate tools for ease of use, customization options, and integration capabilities.
  • Assess the cost-effectiveness of each tool and its value proposition.
  • Ensure the tool monitors different components like servers, applications, and databases.

Automation of monitoring tasks: 

Automating monitoring activities is the key to efficient AWS infrastructure management.

  • Leverage AWS CloudFormation for infrastructure-as-code capabilities.
  • Utilize AWS Lambda for automating log processing.
  • Employ AWS Config for compliance monitoring and resource tracking.
  • Implement machine learning for advanced pattern and anomaly detection using services like Amazon SageMaker.

Effective Alert Management and Routing:

Setting up and managing alerts effectively is crucial.

  • Define precise alert thresholds based on infrastructure requirements.
  • Utilize AWS SNS for diverse notification options and escalation policies.
  • Ensure alerts are directed to the appropriate personnel or team for quick response.

EC2 Instance Log File Management:

Review log files on EC2 instances for insights into system and application performance.

  • Focus on collecting data from database logs, application logs, AWS CloudTrail logs, OS logs, and web server logs.
  • Utilize tools like Middleware for centralized log analysis and automated alerting.

Cost Monitoring:

Monitor and manage AWS costs to avoid budget overruns.

  • Align resource allocation with actual requirements and usage patterns.
  • Identify and eliminate resource waste.
  • Monitor workload performance and set notifications for significant events.

Utilizing AWS Native Monitoring Tools:

  • AWS CloudTrail: Implement CloudTrail best practices for event logging, ensuring comprehensive data on user activities and API usage.
  • AWS CloudWatch: Maximize CloudWatch for metric collection and analysis, using alarms for notifications and events for automated actions.

Incorporating these best practices in AWS monitoring, including security, database, and infrastructure monitoring, ensures a robust, secure, and cost-effective cloud environment. This comprehensive approach helps address potential issues, optimize resource usage, and maintain high performance and security standards.

AWS Monitoring Tools 

In AWS cloud management, supplementing AWS's native monitoring capabilities with third-party tools is a strategy many organizations adopt. These tools provide enhanced features and integrations, making them crucial to a comprehensive AWS monitoring approach. Here's an overview of some of the best monitoring tools for AWS, each with unique functionalities:


This platform is tailored to managing complex, multi-tiered applications, positioning itself prominently on the AWS monitoring tools list. Middleware excels in the detailed management of the application layer and the infrastructure beneath. Its key features include intelligent alerting and advanced visualization, making it a top choice for complex cloud environments.


As a versatile cloud-based monitoring platform, Datadog grants real-time insights into your AWS infrastructure metrics and logs. It supports a broad array of AWS services. It stands out with features like anomaly detection and machine learning-powered forecasting, earning its place among the best monitoring tools for AWS.


Dynatrace is renowned for its AI-driven capabilities, providing full-stack observability across AWS applications and infrastructure. It distinguishes itself by automatic discovery and mapping of the entire AWS environment. It uses machine learning to offer valuable performance optimization insights and downtime reduction strategies.

best monitoring tools for AWS

CodeSuite Can Help

For CodeSuite, specializing in service provider software and AWS consulting, implementing an effective cloud cost intelligence solution can significantly enhance your AWS costing services. 

In summary, for CodeSuite, adopting a comprehensive cloud cost intelligence approach is critical to enhancing your AWS consulting services. It not only aids in cost-effectiveness but also supports strategic planning and operational efficiency. This makes it an indispensable tool for any AWS consulting company focused on optimizing cloud expenditures.